I'm in Judy Lehmann's debt for a copy of the winners of the 2004 Society of Authors and Royal Society of Medicine Book Awards; I couldn't attend the ceremony last week. The Society of Authors web site still has the 2002 awards listed.
Richard Asher Prize:
Winner: Butcher G P Gastroenterology: an illustrated colour text Churchill Livingstone
Commended: Taylor RJ, McAvoy BR, O'Dowd T General practice medicine: an illustrated colour test Churchill Livingstone
New Edition Edited Book
Winner: Parry E, Godfrey R, Mabey D, Gill G Principles of medicine in Africa 3rd ed Cambridge UP
Commended: Crisp AH Every family in the land: understanding prejudice and discrimination against people with mental illness RSM Press
New Edited Book
Winner: Hazleman B, Riley G, Speed C Soft tissue rheumatology Oxford Medical
Commended: Drife J, Magowan B Clinical obstetrics and gynaecology W B Saunders
Commended: Ward Booth P, Eppley BL, Schmelzeisen R Maxillofacial trauma and esthetic facial reconstruction Churchill Livingstone
Minty Prize of the Medico-Legal Society
Winner: Meakin T, Ellis P Work-related injury and illness litigation EMIS Professional
Medical Website
Winner: Men's Health Forum
New Edition Authored Book
Winner: Kanski JJ Clinical ophthalmology: a systematic approach 3rd ed Butterworth Heinemann
Commended: Guillebaud J Contraception: your questions answered Churchill Livingstone
Commended: Mims C, Dockrell HM, Goering RV, Roitt I, Wakelin D, Zuckerman M Medical microbiology 3rd ed Mosby
Commended: Ellison D, Love S, Chimelli L, Harding BN, Lowe J, Vinters HV Neuropathology: a reference text of CNS pathology 2nd ed Mosby
New Authored Book:
Winner: Scully C Oral and maxillofacial medicine Wright
Commended: Moore A, Edwards J, Barden J, McQuay H Bandolier's little book of pain Oxford UP
Commended: Walshe K Regulating healthcare: a prescription for improvement Open University Press
New medical history book:
Winner: Ayliffe GAJ, English MP Hospital infection: from miasmas to MRSA Cambridge UP
Medical Books for the General Reader:
Winner: Hanas R Type 1 diabetes in children adolescents and young adults Class Health
Commended: Powell T, Malia K Brain injury workbook: exercises for cognitive rehabilitation Speechmark
Commended: Baron-Cohen Simon The essential difference Penguin
Overall winner: Hazleman B, Riley G, Speed C Soft tissue rheumatology Oxford Medical
I reviewed Roy Porter's last, which I had as a dead cert for the history section, but it seems the judges thought otherwise
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