After a morning run up Arthur's Seat wearing an Ovid t-shirt kindly given to me buy the exhibitors and breakfast in what looked like a police canteen, the first session started at 9.30. There are some photographs courtesy of Marshall Dozier, who had a beautifully small camera, I having forgotten mine, though there are also a few from my camera-phone.
The first session consisted of a very comprehensive paper from Pauline Simpson, Head of Information Services at the National Oceanography Centre on institutional repository developments. Southampton, not least because of the presence there of Stevan Harnad;
She gave an exposition of open access, the progress of the RCUK proposals (which are now out in en clair on the RCUK website , mentioned the JISC Open Access briefing paper and described repositories of all types and the development of e-Prints Soton.
In discussion, an interesting idea that CILIP might develop a repository as part of our proposed research portal came up.
Then Marshall Dozier spoke on the Medical Education Taxonomy Research Organisation, METRO (interest declared, I'm a member). And I fear there are no photographs, as I forgot to ask her for the camera while she spoke. She covered the need for the project and progress to date, having concentrated on the area of assessment, and asked UMSLG members to act as advocates for the project to help it achieve critical mass. The project used a blog to develop the taxonomy.
After coffee Paul Hollands brought us up to date with changes at the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Medicine,
Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine (formerly LTSN-01), including their collaboration with the Health Sciences and Practice subject centre, the new look web page which uses RSS news for most of the content of the print page. It set me thinking how we might use RSS to offer news to UMSLG members.
Catrina Dalziel of Swansea spoke of her experiences setting up library support for their new graduate entry course and Erika Gwynett described a library refurbishment at Newcastle. Chris Fowler closed the session with some concluding remarks and a presentation of flowers to Irene McGowan College Librarian for Medicine and Veterinary Medicine at Edinburgh, who had handled the local arrangements.