In today's Observer Susan Smillie objects strongly to the closure of the Gardner Centre. She describes the rich and varied events the Centre has put on. The Centre successfuly attracts audiences and doubtless can do its bit to tick the social inclusion box on Arts Council statistical returns. Her interpretation is that the University is responsible for the decision and she urges people to "get out and fight for the place. I'm more than ready to get down to Sussex University with a placard and a bunch of angry performance artists to demonstrate to the university just what it is about to lose".
There's nothing at all on the South East Arts Council's website, nor on the Council's, while the University's gives a detailed statement, saying, if I may condense it, that the Arts Council were withdrawing £190,000 per annum and the Council £30,000, and though the University was committed to continue its support to the tune of £125,000 a year, that was not enough.
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