For this thing we are enjoined to reflect on how we have integrated things into our practice. So:
Blogging: I've been blogging since 2003, both personally and professionally, so I think this one is pretty well integrated. In my new job, as Primary Care Librarian for West Sussex Knowledge & Libraries, I've just started a blog, Primary Care Knowledge: not much there yet, but it will grow. I subscribe to the huge OPML file of CPD23 participants blogs. There's too many to read them all, but it's worthwhile.
Online Brand: for all my reservations about the word, yes, this is integrated
RSS feeds, Twitter and Pushnote: this first two have been part of my professional and personal life for a number of years. Like many participants, I failed to see the point of Pushnote.
Online networks: likewise. It's interesting to note that CILIP Communities have come alive for the election hustings
National/regional groups: yes. As for every health librarian, Health Libraries Group is central to what I do. I sometimes wonder if, if CILIP's difficulties cannot be resolved, whether we have the capacity to create a stand-alone organisation for health librarians, along the lines of the North American Medical Library Association. For regional groups, since I wrote this thing, I've been on the CILIP Sussex ramble.
Google Calendar: yes, I continue to use it, integrated with iCal. Since the thing, iCloud has come out, and it will be interesting to see if it will work with, or replace Google Calendar.
Evernote: a great boon. I was using it before the thing, and I continue to find new uses for it.
Librarianship training: I continue to ponder Fellowship and possibly a doctorate
Mentoring: I need to make a greater effort here: I am conscious that, with changes of job and so on, I have not been as much of a support to my menthes as I could be
Google Docs, Wikis and Dropbox: I wonder why these were lumped together, but they all continue to be useful. Though many social media sites are blocked at work, Dropbox, thankfully, is not.
Zotero, Mendeley, CiteULike: I continue to use Mendeley as my reference management tool of choice. As I said t the time, I'm less impressed with the other two
Seminars and conferences: I'm considering submitting a paper to next year's HLG conference. Looking beyond that, EAHIL and MLA might be places to speak.
Advocacy: continues to occupy a great deal of my time. This week will be no exception. At 10 am on Wednesday, the results of the requests for judicial review of library closures will be announced
Presenting information: not much has changed since I wrote this thing, though I remain cautious about Prezi, preferring Keynote
The one new thing that I am seriously considering making a part of my practice is podcasting. I know have a new microphone, and access to my son's mixing desk. More news soon