I started this blog on this day, eight years ago, with a post on the death of Alan Davidson. I wrote it, I think, on a train, on a newly acquired G4 PowerBook, using the now defunct program iBlog, and publishing straight to my website at http://www.roper.org.uk. These days the website is the blog.
Over eight years, what has changed?
- Then I worked for Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS); now I work for Western Sussex Knowledge & Libraries
- Then I lived in London and commuted to Sussex; now I live in Sussex
- Then blogging was new and exciting, and if you'd told me that soon everyone would be using a form that restricted you to 140 characters, I'd have said you were touched; now we're all on Twitter and I don't blog nearly as often
- There was optimism in the air, or so it seemed to me. At BSMS our very first students were finishing their first term. The new medical school had been established to provide more doctors to meet the country's needs. Now we are sacking NHS staff and closing hospitals.
- Then I had just started learning classical Greek; now I am not much further forward
- Then I couldn't touch-type; now I still can't
- Then, I'd never run a marathon; now I've run eleven
- Then I still had all my teeth…
Some statistics may add corroborative detail to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative:
- 157252 page views
- 56.48 page views per day
- 1664 posts