Like many CILIP members, I reacted with alarm and derision to the recent e-mail inviting me to express a view on a new name for CILIP. In case, gentle reader, you haven't sent them yet, here they are:
Many reacted angrily, pointing out that the words library or librarian appear nowhere in any of the choices. Further comment is superfluous.
Yet the issue is wider; ludicrous as this, and the other questions in the survey are, many wonder why, at a time when our profession and the services we provide are under such sustained attack, we should waste our time and scarce resources on a rebranding exercise.
If you agree, there is an opportunity to put things right. Under CILIP bye-law 22, a hundred members may requisition a general meeting. I have initiated such a requisition to discuss the following motion:
This General Meeting believes the current rebranding exercise should be halted, believing it to be a distraction from the urgent tasks of advocacy for the profession, and a waste of scarce resources
You can support the call by filling in this form:
Please do, and when the meeting is convened, come, speak, and vote.