All members should by now have had a letter from CILIP giving a rearranged date for the General Meeting. If you haven't, contact CILIP. My copy arrived on Saturday morning.
Full details of the meeting are here: but to summarise:
1. Monday 8 July, 1 pm in the Ewart Room at Ridgmount Street. I hope it's big enough
2. Proxy voting is offered for those who can't attend. If you submitted a proxy form because you were unable to attend the original date, but can come on 8 July, then let CILIP know.
3. You need to register to attend
Curiously, CILIP also seem to have withdrawn the possibility for members to amend the motion. I'm not sure why this should be. It seems a little undemocratic, and there's nothing in the bye-laws[pdf] to support this. I've asked CILIP why this might be.
There seems to be a certain amount of lobbying going on. Someone who contacted me had had an e-mail from a British Library employee, urging them to vote against the motion. I'm not sure how widespread this has been.