CILIP's AGM took place in the splendid and insanely popular new Library of Birmingham. I was privileged to enjoy a tour after the meeting, conducted by John Kirriemuir, who has been using the library intensively since its opening. There are some photographs on Flickr. The meeting itself was no less remarkable. Most importantly, we passed a motion of no confidence in Ed Vaizey, the junior government minister who has presided over the past three years of public library closure and never lifted a finger to help them. The motion was ably and movingly proposed by Jo Richardson, and I had the honour to second., it. It was passed by a handsome majority, 669 members for, 200 against and 103 abstentions. A proposal to change CILIP's name to ILPUK was emphatically squashed, only supported by 356, while 644 opposed it, 22 abstaining. The name change should never have been put before us; the no confidence motion should have come sooner. But now we have them. This will be a turning point for CILIP. Now we can reverse the decline in membership, now a shameful 13,690, and build a professional association worthy of the challenges of the day. With that in mind, I intend to stand for election to Council. No Council member dared speak to defend the name change at the AGM. We need a change of attitude of mind on Council. Who'll join me in transforming it?