It being Cesarewitch day (try an each way bet on Chiberta King, by the way) here are the runners and riders for the CILIP Council election. No one stood for Vice-President, which is a poor show, though perhaps a recognition that the post, and the President's, seem to lack power at the moment. But at least there's an election; the other eight seats on Council are filled by people who didn't have to fight an election to get there, which may have something to do with the mess we're in.
Who might these candidates be? They are:
Andy Dawson (already a member of Council, standing again)
John Dolan (also standing again)
Karen McFarlane
David McMenemy
Tom Roper (who he? -Ed)
David Stewart
David McMenemy and I have similar ideas about the direction CILIP needs to take, one of democracy, openness and campaigning. If you're thinking of voting for me, I'd strongly urge you to vote for David too.
The key dates are:
Hustings: 6 pm at CILIP, 24 October 2013 (these will be video-cast live)
Voting papers sent out: 25 October 2013
Closing date for return of ballot papers or voting online: 25 November 2013 (5pm)
Declaration of results: 26/7 November 2013