I'm in a student room in Oxford, ready to attend a CASP critical appraisal training course for the next three days. I've just eaten moules-frites, followed by cheese, in a French restaurant. Every other customer was, like me, a solitary middle-aged man, with a book open in front of him, here a tract on old Sumerian, there something on quadratic equations we have known and loved. I tried to hide my clumsy attempts at the Guardian cryptic crossword. And a few hours ago I learnt that I have been elected to CILIP Council. Indeed, I came top of the poll. I think this means something. I hope CILIP will change, will become more open, more vocal and, above all, will start to gain members instead of losing them. Many people, and many of them members of the profession I revere, have congratulated me. Thank you all, and thank you everyone who voted. I'll do some detailed psephological analysis later. Now I think it is time for bed.