This was posted to a list I belong to that has recently been troubled by many requests to unsubscribe sent to the whole list, and consequent grumbling. I have removed information that identifies the list.
If there's anyone else who'd like to leave the list but has forgotten how, here's a quick reminder of the different ways:
1. The e-mail address appended to all messages received from the list takes you to a web interface where you can unsubscribe ("Signoff"), access list archives, and change various account settings, such as the form of subject line, individual messages versus daily digest, and temporary suspension of mail delivery.
2. You can also unsubscribe by sending an e-mail message to [...] with the body text (sans quotation marks) "signoff [...]". No subject line is needed.
3. Alternatively, you can send a blank e-mail, with no subject line or body text, to [...]
4. You can e-mail me and ask me to unsubscribe you. This is no trouble and I'm happy to help.
5. You can send an e-mail to [...] with the same request; this will come both to me and to A.N.Other at [...] and the two of us will then race to see who can process your request first.
6. You can send a request to the entire list, who will then e-mail me to complain.