I have ventured into the world of the YouTube influencer. I am unlikely to make my fortune, as the number of people interested in the finer points of biomedical database searching is finite, but I was asked by Health Education England to make one outlining a method for translating database alerts from NICE’s Healthcare Database Advanced Search (HDAS) syntax to the Ovid native interface, in preparation for the retirement of HDAS next year.
I followed this up with one on translating alerts into the other native interfaces, EBSCO and ProQuest, using the Systematic Review Accelerator projects Polyglot Search Translator tool, and most recently one on spelling errors, and when they should be deliberately included in search strategies.
I have another one in preparation on the use of proximity operators. I had a brilliant idea for another recently, which I didn’t write down and have since forgotten. If there is any aspect of literature searching readers would like me to cover, do comment below.